Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cliff Young

In 1983, the Westfield Ultramarathon in southeast Australia featured an unlikely contestant named Cliff Young. Mr. Young did not resemble his fellow competitors. First, he was 61 years old. Second, he showed up for the race in overalls and workboots. As a result, many feared for his health and safety -- after all, the event did cover a grueling distance, 543.7 miles, the distance from Melbourne to Sydney.

When the race started, Mr. Young shuffled at a leisurely pace while the other competitors ran out to an early lead. However, Mr. Young did not stop running at night. He continued his shuffle for the whole race without stopping for sleep, and he ended up not only winning the race but setting a new course record.

Today, many ultramarathon runner emulate Mr. Young's running style; it's been dubbed the "Young-shuffle."

You can read more about the legend of Cliff Young here.

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