Monday, April 2, 2007

Things to Ponder...

A sample of questions taken from The Kids' Book of Questions by Gregory Stock:
- If you could take a genetic test to discover what things you'd be best at, would you want to take it or just find out for yourself over time?
- If you knew you wouldn't get caught, would you cheat on a test by copying someone else's answers? What would you think if you saw other people cheating?
- What is your biggest fear? How would your life be different if suddenly you weren't afraid of this anymore?
- What is something you love doing now but will probably not enjoy in two years?
- On Halloween, a group of high-school students are caught scaring little kids and stealing their candy. If you could decide the punishment, what would it be?
- What makes you feel guilty? Do people try to make you feel guilty very often?
- If someone a lot smaller than you kept teasing you and telling lies about you and wouldn't stop, how far would you be willing to go to make the person stop? What about someone bigger than you?
- If you told your friends everything about yourself, including the things you are most embarrassed of, do you think they'd like you more or less than they do now?
- Have you ever thought you were going to die -- for example, in a big thunderstorm or a car accident? If so, did the experience teach you anything you could tell your friends?
- Do you wish your parents would question you less or more about what you do and how you feel?

And for those adults who might be reading, there's a book of questions for you too.

Thanks Amber for the tip!

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