Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill Moyer on Public Broadcasting

The mission of public broadcasting was to create an alternative channel that would be free of not only commercials, but free of commercial values...[NBC, ABC, and CBS] had made their peace with the little fantasies and lies of merchandizing... There are things in this country that the market will not provide: public education, public art, public schools, public broadcasting, public toilets. I mean there are things that are not profitable but that still serve a value. I think the most important thing we [public broadcasting] can do is to continue to treat Americans as citizens not just as consumers. If you look out and just see an audience of consumers, you want to sell them something. If you look out and see an audience of citizens, you want to share something with them. And there is a difference.
- Bill Moyers on Fresh Air 4-30-2010.

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