Thursday, June 10, 2010

How to Memorize Words

I put my tuition deposit down this week at the California School of Podiatric Medicine here in Oakland, California. I'm looking forward to going back to school again, but I definitely need to brush up on my study skills before I start tackling Anatomy and Physiology classes in the fall.

Fortunately, Psyblog wrote a useful entry about memorizing words this week. They suggest 4 tried-and-true methods:

1) IMAGERY -- Create an image of what you want to remember
2) ELABORATION -- Think of associations that help anchor the word in your mind
3) GENERATION -- Put some work in to generating the target (using fill-in-the-blanks or flash cards)
4) VOCALIZATION -- Speak the word aloud

I'll be mindful to include all of these methods in my studies this fall.

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