Monday, January 15, 2007

Career Advice

Professor John Krumboltz teaches at one of the nation's most prestigous universities, Stanford University. Here's his career advice, summarized from the article, "How People Choose Career Paths."

1) Think positively! Don't let a few obstacles or setbacks prevent you from pursuing a career. Scared of blood? Doesn't mean you can't be a doctor -- many doctors have overcome this fear quite easily.
2) Do a little research! Many people never decide what they want to do -- they simply end up with a job and stick with it. "A decision with such profound consequences deserves careful study," Krumboltz says.
3) Don't choose a career because you think it will earn you prestige or respect -- choose a career that will make you happy and successful. Lots of students want to be doctors, lawyers, or professors, but there are plenty of other rewarding and valuable careers.

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