Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Father of Micro-Biology

I would like to submit to Mr. Wu's distinguished consideration the following biological question which has long unsettled me. The Dutch scientist Anton von Leeuwenhoek, in the late 17th century, perfected microscope design to such an extent as to become the first human being to observe living cells, such as blood cells, muscle-fiber cells, bacteria and (ahem!) human spermatazoa. The scientific and lay community at large would like know, Mr. Wu, how exactly Mr. von Leeuwenhoek procured these cells.

Mr. Wu, please enlighten us. Inquiring minds want to know.


Derrick said...

Interesting question, Baron Spadola. I will research this matter when I get some free time.

Joseph Spadola said...

Are we right, Mr Wu, to imagine the following dialogue:

ANTON VAN LEEUENHOEK'S MOTHER (knocking at the bathroom door):
Anton, vhat are you doing in zere?

ANTON VAN LEEUENHOEK: Science, go avay!