Sunday, January 28, 2007

Most Popular Myths in Science is debunking the top 20 myths in science:
- Chickens can live without a head
- A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's
- Water drains backwards in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Earth's rotation
- Hair and fingernails continue growing after death
- There is no gravity in space
- A falling cat will always land on its feet
- Humans use only 10 percent of their brains
- Men think about sex every seven seconds
- Eating a poppy seed bagel mimics opium use
- You get less wet by running in the rain
- A penny dropped from the top of a tall building could kill a pedestrian
- The five second rule
- Adults don't grow new brain cells
- Animals can predict natural disasters
- Chicken soup can cure the common cold
- Seasons are caused by the Earth's proximity to the sun
- Yawning is "contagious"
- The Great Wall of China is the only manmade structure visible from space
- Lightning never strikes the same place twice
- It takes seven years to digest gum

My favorite myth: A falling cat will always land on its feet
Studies have demonstrated that, when dropped from most heights, cats will land gracefully on their feet. Results change only with cats dropped upside-down from a height of one foot or less. We're not suggesting you try this at home.

Wonder which of the other claims are true and which are false? View the page here.

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